Home Physiotherapy Pain Management in the Last Days

Pain Management in the Last Days

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When a person is dying, the last thing that anyone wants is for them to be not in pain.  There have been many studies done to study the amount of pain a person is in when they are dying.  Most of those studies show that in general, a person is in a great deal of pain in most cases.  These studies have shown that in most conditions ranging from Cancer to AIDS to Neurological disorders, the patient deals with a number of pain factors.  Pain management during the final days of life is always an unavoidable thing.

Those that are dying will need to have their individual situation assessed for the needs and capabilities that they have.  It may be necessary to determine the best quality of life that they can get.  It may be that the pain management regimen right for them is no medication at all.  Those that are not able to handle the side effects of medication, those that are unable to have the medication administered into their system and those that refuse it are likely not to be given these medications.  In most cases, though, if someone’s death is expected, then some form of help will be able to be given to ease the pain and improve the quality of life that is left.

Pain management must be decided on an individual situation.  Often, it will be necessary to determine the best course of medication that will elevate as much pain as possible but at the same time not provide additional pain through side effects.  Doctors are likely to find the right dosage of medications that will counteract the pain as well as manage the side effects from the medications that they are being given.

The end result is that in most cases, a personal decision will be to determine what the best route to take is.  Most doctors agree that the best thing for these patients is the right formula for pain management to improve the quality of life to the highest degree possible to prevent as much pain as possible in their final days.  In many cases, it is a religious decision, a moral decision and a personal preference decision.  There are a number of medications that can be used to help in these cases no matter what the ultimate result is.  Doctors will determine the best approach on an individual basis.

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