Home Mental Fitness Kaiser mental health strike in Northern California enters fourth week

Kaiser mental health strike in Northern California enters fourth week

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Mental health workers at Kaiser have begun the fourth week of their strike over conditions and pay at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California. Facing overwork and chronic understaffing for over a decade, mental health workers are taking a stand demanding improved conditions so they can actually provide effective and timely treatment of patients. The National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) announced it would return to the bargaining table on Thursday stating that Kaiser was willing to offer slightly more in wages but had not budged on staffing and patient access.

Kaiser mental health workers on the picket line in Northern California [Photo: WSWS]

In these negotiations the NUHW has used its members as extras in photo-ops for one Democratic politician after another while opposing any measures to actually expand the strike. The NUHW struck separate deals for Southern California mental health workers at Kaiser and other professionals like dietitians, leaving Northern California workers isolated. Those deals included wage increases significantly below the current 8.5 percent inflation, amounting to a pay cut that will only exacerbate staffing issues.

Carlos Disdies, who has worked at Kaiser’s intensive outpatient program for four years, described the difficult conditions workers confront. “Crisis patients are those that have been hospitalized and are coming out of hospitalization. So it’s patients who may be going right back in if they don’t get more intense interventions.

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