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Crisis center aims to fill mental health care gap for youths in Tulsa

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With a parent who experienced mental illness, Deneisha Johnson used a similar crisis center while growing up in Texas. But it was, in her words, “a lot scarier” than the one she walked into Wednesday as an adult in Tulsa.

“This is nice; this is calming,” said Johnson, now board chairwoman for Counseling and Recovery Services of Oklahoma, or CRSOK. “What if there had been a YES Fort Worth? How would my adult years have been transformed?”

Until recently, Tulsa didn’t have Youth Evaluation Services, either. CRSOK launched the city’s first YES crisis center last June at Saint Francis’ Laureate psychiatric hospital. But the program quickly outgrew the space and has now moved to a larger facility at 9912 E. 21st St.

The current location, however, likely will remain open only for 18 months while CRSOK plans to build an even larger facility.

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The group announced a campaign Wednesday to raise as much as $10 million to open a permanent YES center near 31st Street and Sheridan Road.

“This is only the beginning,” said Johnson, who will lead the fundraising effort. “This is the first step in what we want to do for the Tulsa community.”

A YES center, aimed at people between the ages of 5 and 17, offers a place to turn when a young patient seems to need more than routine mental health care but might not need hospitalization, officials said.

“It fills a gap,” said Andre Campbell, clinical director of CRSOK. “Let’s assess. Let’s stabilize. Let’s just see what needs to happen next.”

The YES center, open 24 hours a day and seven days a week, can provide immediate help and, if needed, make referrals for additional treatment, officials said.

“What the YES program is bringing to the community,” Campbell said, “is that ability for us to make sure there is the best placement. And the best placement brings about the opportunity for quicker recovery.”

Last month, in his annual State of the City address, Mayor G.T. Bynum described the YES center as “a one-stop triage center for families in immediate mental health crisis.” And he announced $1 million in funding to open the new facility.

“It is now estimated that 4,000 Tulsa County children attempt suicide annually,” Bynum said at the time, “and in the last year a record 1,300 kids in mental health distress flooded Tulsa County emergency rooms.”

The YES center’s operational costs will be funded by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, allowing it to provide care at little to no cost to patients.

Featured video: More about 988, the new crisis helpline for mental health

988. That’s the new number anyone in America can call or text for help if they feel suicidal or experience mental distress. It is hoped that the shorter number will help people remember the free service and know who to contact.

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