Home Mental Fitness Diddy Names Each and Every Friday ‘Multi-National Mental Health Awareness’ Day

Diddy Names Each and Every Friday ‘Multi-National Mental Health Awareness’ Day

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Fuck It Friday is back. Diddy hit Instagram to let fans know that everybody should just chill at the end of the week.

“I declare the day of Friday a global multi-national mental health awareness holiday!” Diddy wrote online. “Every Fuck It Friday we’re going to say fuck the bullshit, fuck the stress ,fuck the news, fuck any of the bullshit that’s in your life that’s stressing you!”

Speaking in the post, as Love, Diddy stated the Friday celebration is all over the world. “I want you to say fuck it ’cause all week you’ve been dealing with the stress of life. The news. The evilness of this world. The why is this even going on? The stress from your job. The stress from your boss.”

Don’t forget when next Friday comes. Check out the post below.

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