Home Fitness New Plus course will help all healthcare professionals to support mums who want to breastfeed

New Plus course will help all healthcare professionals to support mums who want to breastfeed

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Breastfeeding is a powerful tool for promoting the health and wellbeing of infants and mothers but many new mothers feel unsupported in their breastfeeding journey. Every healthcare provider has the potential to have a positive impact in supporting new mothers and this new course from Physiopedia Plus (Plus) will tell you how.

Whether or not we work in women’s health, almost all healthcare professionals will encounter women who are breastfeeding at some stage in our clinical practice.

Having a baby is confusing and overwhelming all at the same time. Let’s help these new mums by actually saying the same thing, by giving information that’s the same and set their mind at ease. – Lenie Jacobs

Breastfeeding is a powerful tool for promoting the health of mums and babies. Where possible, the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life, with continued breastfeeding until they are at least 2 years of age. However, many new mothers encounter conflicting information and feel unsupported in their breastfeeding journey.  Healthcare providers can play a crucial role in supporting and promoting successful breastfeeding practices but few of us feel confident to approach the topic with new mothers.

The new course from Plus, Vital Breastfeeding Questions Every Healthcare Provider Should be Able to Answer, was developed just for this purpose – to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge to provide accurate and supportive guidance on breastfeeding until the mother can see a lactation consultant.

Course instructor Lenie Jacobs is an experienced mother, physiotherapist and breastfeeding supporter, and in this course she emphasises how important consistent and reassuring information is for new mothers. Lenie will talk you through the key information you need to talk to new mothers about this topic and answer their questions based on the research, as well as how to recognise signs that the mother and baby need further assistance. You’ll learn answers to common questions you might get around milk supply, feeding schedules, engorgement, skin-to-skin contact, top-up feeds, and more.

Breastfeeding, support, physiopedia plus online learning

This new course for Plus Full and Pro members will give you an understanding of the fundamentals of breastfeeding and help you to confidently be able to provide accurate and supportive guidance to new mothers.

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