Home Fitness Practical training session supports improved care for patients following stroke in Uganda

Practical training session supports improved care for patients following stroke in Uganda

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An interprofessional practical in-person training session was held last week for rehabilitation professionals in Uganda, during which knowledge and skills were shared to improve care for patients following stroke.

The ReLAB-HS Clinical Skills Training Programme is a hybrid learning experience delivered in collaboration with the rehabilitation professional associations in Uganda with the goal of providing access to high quality rehabilitation training. This was the first in-person session, and followed online modules where participants completed Strokeand Assistive technology courses on Physiopedia Plus (Plus). Having learnt the theory of evaluation and management of patients following stroke, including the treatment planning and provision of assistive technology devices, the face-to-face training was an opportunity to discuss and refine the technical and hands on skills required when working with these patients.

Physiopedia in-person training event in Uganda for stroke

The training at the Stroke Rehabilitation Centre in Kampala included  15 participants from all over the country, including orthopedic technologists, occupational therapists (OT), physiotherapists (PT) and speech and language therapists. Local expert trainers lead the training sessions, facilitated by Physiopedia team members Angela Patterson (OT), Herbert Omoding (PT) and Martina Lukin (Prosthetist and Orthotist).

“This was a very good initiative for the rehabilitation professionals to come together in one room to share their expertise in managing patients.”

Thanks to variety in the rehabilitation professions represented during the training, interesting and lively discussions enhanced everyone’s learning and gave opportunity to problem solve challenges around implementing interdisciplinary care for patients. The enthusiastic participants were keen to continue their discussions and collaboration in a specific group that has been created for them on the Rehabilitation Community, opening up a network for future brainstorming and problem solving.

Interprofessional rehabilitation stroke training with Physiopedia in Uganda

This face-to-face meeting was a successful element of the hybrid clinical skills training on the different approaches and roles of rehabilitation professionals in the management of stroke patients. Meeting in-person enabled useful discussion and information sharing that is a rare occurrence in Uganda, particularly amongst professionals practicing in different settings and parts of the country.

ReLAB-HS is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and
is implemented under cooperative agreement number 7200AA20CA00033. The consortium is managed by prime recipient, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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