Home News 7 Best Non-Stim Fat Burner Supplements in 2022

7 Best Non-Stim Fat Burner Supplements in 2022

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You don’t need to be stimmed up…

But you need to burn the fat. 

I’m about to introduce you fat burners that can help you shred fat without using stimulants. 

This means there isn’t caffeine, DMHA, or even theobromine. 

Nothing that will keep you up at night. 

In fact you could take these non stimulant fat burners at night and still sleep like a panda. 

Caffeine is nice to have. 

But there isn’t a need for it if you’re using strong thermogenics that can elevate your metabolic rate.

The ingredients used in these non-stimulant fat burners can force your body to use your fat for energy, helping you lose more pounds without making you feel jittery or anxious. 

And if you really wanted to, you could stack these with a stimulant based or non stim pre workout. 

The versatility is amazing, making it an attractive option for almost anyone wanting to lose weight.

  • Exterminate by Huge Supplements
  • Caliente by ASC Supplements
  • Stim Free by Transparent Labs
  • Leanbean (women)
  • Burn Lab Pro 
  • Stim Free pre workout by transparent labs
  • Clean Burn by Kaged Muscle
  • Nova Lean Stim Free Fat Burner
  • Molotov Stim Free Fat Burner


3000mg Glucomannan, 82.5mg Choline, Vitamin b6, Vitamin b12, Zinc, 35mcg Chromium Chromax, 100mg Garcinia Cambogia, 50mg Turmeric Root, 50mg Green Coffee Bean, 20mg Acai Berry Extract, 5mg Black Pepper Extract 

When we see fat burners that have branding like this, we approach it with absolute skepticism. 

One of the reasons is that there’s so much promotion around this one product. 

So we looked into it, and we see it’s sold as a fat burner for women using natural ingredients including glucomannan, garcinia cambogia, green coffee extract and a few others. 

There isn’t anything unnatural or dangerous here and the doses are safe. 

Leanbean contains several ingredients and one of the main ones is glucomannan. 

This is a appetite suppressing ingredient that will help you feel full, it’s also known as konjac. 

It’s a natural water soluble dietary fiber coming from elephant yam. 

And it’s very low in calories, it can also take up so much space in your stomach, making you feel satisfied and full.

The other unique benefit is that it can reduce the absorption of protein and fat, helping your body reduce fat storage. [8]

Many studies have used glucomannan on weight loss.

One of the largest studies took 176 overweight but healthy individuals and either had them on a glucomannan supplement or a placebo. [9]

The group that took glucomannan had much better weight loss than the placebo group. 

And other studies have also lined up with this conclusion that supplementing with glucomannan increased weight loss, especially when the diet is controlled. 

Glucomannan also helps improve blood sugar levels, and lower bad cholesterol.

All of these benefits in Leanbean is coming from one ingredients, we haven’t even touched the other ingredients yet. 

Leanbean also has chromium for blood sugar control, choline for fat metabolism, vitamins B6 and B12, along with green coffee extract, acai berry, turmeric and garcinia cambogia.

Of course there is a downside to Leanbean and it’s that it’s expensive. 

If you’re looking for a fat burner that can help you control your appetite, then this is the one to go with. 

Contains essential ingredients for fat loss

Has been a popular choice for years

Will reduce appetite all day


How To Pick The Best Stim-Free Fat Burner For you

When you’re looking for a fat burner, you should know it won’t work like magic.

You’ll still need to be on a proper diet and training program.

With a diet, that restricts your calorie intake, you’ll be on the correct path to dropping your weight. 

Non stimulant fat burners feature ingredients that can help reduce cravings and reduce appetite without using stimulants.

They are 100% stimulant free and natural, meaning there isn’t anything that will get you banned from drug tested sports when you’re using trusted brands.

Picking the best stimulant free fat burner will depend on your budget and goal, but generally you’ll want one that will reduce cravings and will help you get by the day without going over your calorie requirements for fat loss.

Exercising will be a must especially if you’re trying to lose fat.

Maintaining a proper exercise program will ensure you’re retaining as much muscle and strength as possible while dropping your fat. 


When it comes to non stimulant ingredients, there are a few that you should look out for.

Non stim fat burners will often have unique features that make them stand out.

It’s not possible adding having every ingredient at their full clinical dosages without making it very expensive.

So that’s why we have multiple fat burners ranking in our list.

Fat burners will often vary in ingredients and dosages which is normal to see.

Here are the most important ingredients and what they can do in a non stimulant fat burner…


When it comes to the most effective fat burning ingredients, carnitine is easily one of the best.

Carnitine comes in many forms and each of them play a huge role with turning up the heat in our bodies.

Looking at it’s pure form, carnitine plays a role in energy product in our bodies by helping with fatty acid transport to the mitochondria of our cells so ATP can be produced. [10]

Mitochondria helps with strength and ATP is needed for energy as our cells use them.

The body can synthesis carnitine as it’s a conditionally essential amino acid but we can always use more by supplementing

Not only can it help with energy production but it can also help with recovery and weight loss. [11]

Carnitine is most useful for vegans, the older population and athletes who train with high effort. [10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]

Carnitine of course is listed here because of it’s metabolism boosting benefits.

A meta-analysis in 2016 that involved nine placebo controlled studies found that using carnitine supplementation helped with weight loss and reduced body mass index compared to placebo. [18]

Another study in 2009 found improved insulin sensitivity and blood sugar response when carnitine was used for 6 months with 2 grams daily. [19]

Close to 100 studies shows that carnitine can reduce soreness, improve recovery, improve power and increase blood flow while increasing oxygen utilization. [20]

One form that is often used is L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT) which has been seen to improve adrenal receptor density and response, making it helpful for increasing hormonal production. [21, 22]

But for fat loss, the best form is Acetyl L-Carnitine, or ALCAR.

It’s one of the most bioavailable carnitine form because it can cross the blood brain barrier. [23, 24, 25]

ALCAR is also useful as a nootropic as it can support acetylcholine production by helping enhancing choline uptake and acetylcholine synthesis. [26]

As a non stimulant, ALCAR is very useful as it can boost focus and cognition abilities.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is packed with antioxidants, including the popular ECGC as well as other polyphenols.

Shown to increase thermogenesis, green tea extract can turn up the heat by turning calories into energy and improving fat oxidation. [27, 28]

It’s especially useful when it’s combined with stimulants but in non stimulants, you’ll want it combined only with non stimulant ingredients.

However you’ll want to look for the standardization.

For example, studies using dosages of 500mg showed it had at least 130mg of EGCG with the rest of it being polyphenols.

Having a mix of polyphenols and catechins will have the best results. [29, 30, 31]


Tyrosine is one of our favorite non stimulant ingredients.

If you’ve been under stress and have gone through a strict diet, then you’ll know about brain fog and the moodiness that it comes with.

Tyrosine, a non essential amino acid, can help improve your mental state and mood by boosting the production of two important neurotransmitters, dopamine and noradrenaline. [32, 33]

Other than increasing focus, it can also reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. [32, 33]

It’s often used in pre workouts as well as fat burners because it can improve focus and reduce stress. 


This is one of the most effective stimulant free ingredients.

Forskolin is able to increase fat loss while helping preserve muscle mass or even increasing it even under strict diet conditions. [34, 35, 36]

It works by increasing the production of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) which copies what exercise would otherwise bring when it comes to the action of mitochondrial enzymes in the body. [37]

In result, this will increase muscle protein synthesis even while cutting and restricting calories.


Synephrine is considered to be a mild stimulant, avoid this if you want a completely stimulant free fat burner.

It can help with fat burning but it’s also banned in drug tested competitions and sports.

Synephrine is from Citrus Aurantium and it’s a naturally occurring alkaloid and can stimulant lipolysis by being a potent Beta-2 and Beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist. [38, 39]

It’ll help release stored fat and makes the body use it as energy, which essentially helps fuel your activities like weightlifting and sprinting. 


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Glucomannan is one of the ingredients you can use to reduce your cravings and daily calorie intake.

This one is an interesting ingredient to use because it’s an dietary fiber with little to no calories but can fill up your stomach, making you feel fuller.

It’ll help you feel full for a longer period time as well. [40]

And it’ll also reduce fat gain.

When it comes to mainstream ingredients that are approved everywhere, CLA makes the list.

CLA is known as conjugated linoleic acid and it’s an omega 6 fatty acid that has been seen to improve body composition by reducing body fat. [41]

But dosages need to be at least a gram for it to be effective although smaller dosages may help.

CLA will also help increase the body’s metabolic rate and reduce the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). [42]

LPL can store body fat and preventing this enzyme will help promote the body’s use for fat as energy.

Grains of Paradise

This is one of the spiciest ingredients you can have in a fat burner.

Originally from West Africa, grains of paradise contains phenol compound, 6-paradol, a herbal based and non stimulant weight loss ingredient that can turn up thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT).

Aside from that, it can help elevate mood, convert stored fat as energy. [43, 44]

L-Beta Aminoisobutyric Acid

BAIBA (β-aminoisobutyric acid) is a non-protein amino acid that is known to increase with exercise. [45]

It’s considered to be an exercise signal molecul that can mimic effects of exercise and it has plenty of benefits:

Promotes conversion of energy storing white adipose tissue to be used as energy. [46, 45]

Enhances fatty acid oxidation as well as plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate (the main ketone generated when burning fat) [47]

Inhibits fat gain even in those who are low in leptin. [45, 48]

Reduces insulin sensitivity and glucose function. [49, 50]

These are only some of the benefits of BAIBA and it goes even further than that. 


If you’ve heard of AstraGin then you’ll like InnoSlim as it’s patented by the same company, NuLiv Science.

InnoSlim is a patented blend of Panax notoginseng root and astragalus membranaceus root extracts and it was developed for one purpose, weight loss. 

Not only can InnoSlim increase glucose uptake by 41% and reduce fat storage, but it can also push glucose into muscle cells by promoting GLUT4 activity. [51]

This in turn will help balance blood sugar levels and will help increase insulin sensitivity. [52]

Frequently Asked Questions About Stim-Free Fat Burners

What’s the difference between non-stim fat burners and regular fat burners?

Regular fat burners contain stimulants and caffeine while non stimulant fat burners only contain ingredients that are stimulant-free. 

Is there any advantages to stim free fat burners?

You can take them anytime, even at night (if ALCAR doesn’t keep you up) and it can be stacked with pre workouts. It also won’t cause anxiety or jitters and will help keep blood pressure under control. 

Do stim free fat burners work?

Yes the ones listed here in our round up work because it contains ingredients that will promote fat oxidation and reduce fat storage.

Stim Free Fat Burners Work

If you’re only using stimulant based fat burners then you may be missing out.

While both kinds of fat burners have their advantages, stim free fat burners are a great option to have.

Not only are they easily stackable but they are just designed to help reduce appetite and increase fat oxidation without affecting your heart rate.

The best choices according to our research and round up, is Transparent Labs and Burn Lab Pro.

Transparent Labs contains the ingredients needed to help reduce appetite and helps increase mood as well as focus.

While Burn Lab Pro is designed to help maintain strength and muscle during a cut while being friendly for competitive use.

If you find normal fat burners to be too much for you, maybe it’s the anxiety or jitters, then consider any of these non stimulant options.

Normal fat burners can affect sleep, cause high blood pressure and may have side effects that take a toll on your every day lifestyle. *

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