Home News Amazing Losers: Matt Little and Steve Percy

Amazing Losers: Matt Little and Steve Percy

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Across our MAN v FAT programme, we have some amazing success stories of men who have lost plenty of weight during their time with us.

A big part of why MAN v FAT works is the friendships that are formed both within teams and across a MAN v FAT club. That peer to peer support and guidance is crucial in making sure members can make your way through the bad days and keep on track with their weight loss and wellbeing journey.

Matt Little and Steve Percy have become friends through their participation in MAN v FAT Warrington – and both have had remarkable success with us.

As of early August, Steve had lost 40% of his body weight (over 8 stone) and Matt had achieved 30% loss with his six stones shed with MAN v FAT so far.

Here they tell us a bit more.

What was it that made you join MAN v FAT Football?

ML: I actually saw MAN v FAT Football on a piece on ITV a good few years ago when I wasn’t struggling with weight. I always thought the concept was amazing and said to myself if I ever got overweight again that I would definitely give it a go. Two babies later, I found myself overweight and tired all the time, so needed something to break that cycle and I remembered the programme existed so looked online and luckily Warrington were just starting their league. The rest is history.

SP: I joined MAN v FAT because the gym really wasn’t working, as I’d do it for a little while and get bored with it. Whereas, with football, I don’t see it as fitness, it’s something I love doing! I’d moved to Warrington and didn’t know anyone really. MAN v FAT kept popping up on Facebook in the adverts and I just took the plunge and it’s honestly the best thing I’ve ever done and have made friends for life.

What do you most enjoy about MAN v FAT Football?

ML: What I probably enjoy most about it, besides the obvious of playing a sport which I love again regularly, is the support and drive you get from your team mates who are all on their own but similar journeys.

SP: I just enjoy the community so much, it’s honestly got such a great set of lads. No matter what team you’re in, were all one and support each other.

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