Home News COVID-19 Update + Special Gift

COVID-19 Update + Special Gift

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COVID-19 Update + Special Gift

If you are like me, you are in a bit of a state of shock with how things have changed almost overnight in our country and world. It is easy to give in to fear but we must not! A great way to avoid the stress of major unknowns with our health and economy and overall safety is to move!

We were all out living normal lives one day and the next, schools, gyms, churches, and concerts are all shut down temporarily. What are we to do?

Well, we have to make the best of it. We have to do some really fun activities with our children, spring cleaning, soul searching, and if you are anything like me, worshipping and praying (yet, that would first on my list). What if we decided to make the home-cooked family meals a thing again. What if we limited time on devices and were more present with our own family members…

But we can’t go stir crazy. So we definitely need to move!

During this time of social distancing and extended time at home and out of studios, I wanted to make SBF streaming workouts as accessible as possible for new members!

We will be offering 50% off your first month of streaming during this time making the entire month just $7.49.

USE COUPON CODE: SAVE50 to receive 50% off the first month of SBF streaming workouts for new members. JOIN HERE (**50% discount applies to new monthly members)

Movement is a gift from God. And while we don’t need to punish ourselves with flipping tires and running bleachers (unless that is your thing), movement really can help us stay fit and healthy.

We need to be encouraged and hopefully, with my workouts, you will be encouraged in all ways. My faith in Jesus has made everything in life okay and I want you to know that even if you don’t believe in Him, He still loves you so much that He gave His life just for you! Be encouraged by this passage today:

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLT

USE COUPON CODE: SAVE50 to receive 50% off the first month of SBF streaming workouts for new members. JOIN HERE  (**50% discount applies to new monthly members)

I received this message recently that made me so incredibly thankful to be able to do what I do.

“Suzanne, I’ve been a member of your streaming workouts since 2015…before that I did your dvds, ….I recently tried a month of another barre streaming service because I thought change would be good……wow, am I glad that month is over. You, by far, are the best when it comes to teaching, explaining, concentration, motivation and most of all, technique, which to me, is the most important tool in barre. Thanks, please never stop what you’re doing! I am almost 63 years old and your workouts have changed me not only physically but mentally as well!”


Let’s shake to change together! xoxo S


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