Home News Dealing with disappointment on the scales

Dealing with disappointment on the scales

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Other ways of tracking your progress

Track your measurements

Get rid of the scales entirely and start tracking your measurements instead. All you need for this is a tape measure (the flexible kind, not the DIY kind), and then to measure around your waist, hips, and wherever else you want to track. You could go for your neck, upper arms or thighs, for example. Do it monthly and you’ll soon build up a good picture of how many inches you’ve lost. 

Take a progress picture

When was the last time you took a progress picture? We’re big believers in the power of before and after pictures, as they’re a great way of looking back on how far you’ve come. Take a full body one and one that’s a close up of your face, and in months to come you’ll be able to see plainly how much progress you’ve made as you’ll have one less chin, or one less love handle! 

Dealing with disappointment on the scales

If you’ve stepped on the scales and you’re disappointed in the result, there’s one thing you should take solace in – it happens to everyone. Having a weight loss journey that’s a straightforward plummet to your goal weight is astonishingly rare and dealing with disappointments on the scales, the ups as well as the downs, is an essential part of this whole weight loss thing. 

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