Home News How to stay fit on the field & safe from the heat

How to stay fit on the field & safe from the heat

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SHREVEPORT, La. (KSLA) – Students all across the ArkLaTex are going back to school and training for various sports in near triple-digit heat.

Physical fitness is especially important for Captain Shreve quarterback Kenyon Terrell.

“It’s really important because I need to stay health and in shape because we run a high tempo offense. I can’t be gassed trying to get up the field,” he said.

Head Coach Adam Kirby says they take training very seriously.

“We really try to push our kids and make it as tough on them as we can, whether it be with conditioning or it be here in the weight room with more reps… We really try to make it as tough on our guys as we can to make it tough on them for Friday nights.”

For families that don’t have a student playing on Friday nights, there are some guidelines they should consider when being active.

“It’s really dependent on the child. Young adolescent kids need to be out there about 20 to 30 minutes, or be inside. As the kids get older, like high schoolers, there are constraints on how long they should be outside, up to two hours,” said Brian Rockett, head physical therapist with Willis-Knighton.

Rockett recommends going for a walk with your kid to get them acclimated to the hot weather. He says it’s best to start slow.

For those trying to stay physically fit, there are some exercises students are doing at the varsity level.

“A lot of hundred-yard sprints, line touches, crunches, planks, push ups, pull ups, the whole nine,” said Terrell.

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