Home News Top 10 Health Benefits Of Mushrooms & Why You Can Enjoy More Than The Taste

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Mushrooms & Why You Can Enjoy More Than The Taste

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Did you know mushrooms were only reserved for the royalty? Whereas Romans believed this food conferred strength to their warriors? That is how special mushroom has been.

Nowadays mushrooms are all over the place and many people are incorporating this special food in their diet plans. The bone of contention has been the best way to prepare mushroom and whether they provide any benefit to the human being. If you are still languishing in confusion allow me to take you through the key health benefit of mushroom.

Mushroom provides a number of great nutrients and they contain no fat, no cholesterol, no gluten, it’s low in calories, and sodium. Additionally, mushroom avails niacin, vitamin D, potassium, riboflavin, selenium etc. the journal of nutrition released a research report in 2013 that stated that a mushroom diet translates to a healthy diet because it supplies vital nutrients for a healthy living.

May Help Prevent Breast And Prostate Cancer

Approximately 16% of the women in the world have breast cancer whereas, prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men.

Prostate cancer can grow unnoticed and when symptoms like increased rate of urinating, feeling ‘fuller’ in the bladder and increased straining appear you should seek medical attention.

Breast cancer is a killer disease that affects about 232, 240 women and 2,240 men in the USA. According to the national cancer institute, this cancer causes 39, 620 deaths.

Mushroom is a good source of linolenic acid and beta-glucans which are good anticarcinogenic agents. These ingredients prevent prostate cancer and they also help to lower the levels of estrogen thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Incorporating mushroom into your diet and having it once or twice a week will bring you enormous benefits.

Helps Balance Cholesterol Levels

Mushrooms themselves are fat-free, low in carbohydrates, cholesterol-free, have lean protein, and contain certain enzyme and fiber which play a vital role in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Moreover, the lean protein found in protein helps to metabolize cholesterol in the body. When the level of the bad cholesterol LDL and good cholesterol HDL are balanced the body is able to stay away from the risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack.

Ideal For Diabetics

Mushroom is one of the best low energy diet suitable for diabetics. This is because mushrooms have no fat, low in carbohydrates, no cholesterol, and they are high in protein. Mushroom is also a rich source of minerals, fiber, vitamin and water.

All these properties combined with the fact that mushroom contains natural enzymes and insulin, there is no denying that this is the best diet for diabetics. Mushroom also contain other essential compounds which facilitate the optimal functioning of the pancreases, liver and the rest of the endocrine system. This helps in the production of insulin and promotes its proper regulation.

Mushroom also contain natural antibiotics which can go a long way in reducing the risk diabetics face from other infections.

Cures Anaemia

Anemia is described as a decrease in hemoglobin in the body. This happens when there is an iron deficiency and can cause symptoms like digestive problems, fatigue, and headache. One way of treating anemia is by changing your dietary habit.

One of the best sources of iron is the mushroom. The iron in mushroom is readily absorbed and once it’s in the bloodstream it promotes the formation of hemoglobin and the red blood cells thereby keeping your body potential and healthy.

Good For Bone Health

Mushroom contains calcium as one of the key components. Calcium is very vital for bone health and when supplied in sufficient amounts it helps prevent osteoporosis, relieves joint pain, and reduce the risk of bone disease.

Improves The Immune System

Mushroom contain a powerful antioxidant called ergothioneine. This antioxidant is so powerful that it boost the immune system and at the same time provide protection from all the free radicals in the body. This master antioxidant is unique and one of the reasons you should start eating mushrooms. It eliminates all free radical which are by-products of cell metabolic process that float in the body and cause diseases. When the free radicals are washed out your body stays healthy.

The natural antibiotics (similar to penicillin) found in mushroom inhibit fungal infections and microbial growth. The beta-glucans found in mushroom also play a major role in regulating and stimulating the immune system. They relieve and heal ulcerous wounds and ulcers, and keep them safe from other infections.

Good For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can lead to other diseases like kidney failure, heart diseases, and dementia. When you eat mushrooms you benefit from potassium which is one of its components. Potassium plays a vital role as a vasodilator, it releases the tension in your blood vessels shifting blood pressure back to normal.

Rich In Copper And Selenium

Copper is one of the components found in mushroom. It’s one of the best plant-based sources of copper. This mineral is very vital in the body since it has a lot of benefits to your hair and eyes, can treat arthritis, stimulate enzymatic reactions, improve brain health, improve immunity, and lower cholesterol levels. Copper is also very important in the regulation of how iron is absorbed in the body.

Mushroom also contain selenium and they provide to be the best source of this vital mineral for vegetarians. Selenium is good for bone strength, besides, it strengthens the nails, teeth, and hair. Additionally, selenium is a powerful antioxidant which eliminates all the free radicals in the body and boosts the immune system.

Ideal For Weight Loss

If you are obese or want to keep shape, you are probably aware that losing weight is a daunting task. One of the best ways to lose weight is combining a healthy diet with a fantastic training regimen. Adding mushrooms to your diet plan will be great because they have no fat, cholesterol, and contain natural fiber which helps get rid of body fats naturally. Mushroom also contain lean protein underlining to its importance in helping you to lose weight.

Good For The Skin

Mushroom is one of the best food in stimulating metabolism and helping your skin. Mushroom contain selenium which improves your skin’s elasticity and protects it from infections.  When you eat mushroom regularly your skin will look smooth and supple, all fine lines will be reduced thanks to the polysaccharides found in this food.


This should not be taken lightly! Not all mushrooms are edible, therefore as you plan to incorporate this food into your diet plan research and consult widely. All mushrooms are strikingly similar but some are highly poisonous and can kill when eaten. Unless you have proper training on picking mushroom never go picking them from the bush.

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Author bio:

Kanisha is a renowned blog writer and founder of the FortunateKitchen blog. This blog specializes on food related topics, from ways of making exquisite dishes to food preparation basics. As a self-taught chef, kanisha is driven by passion and curiosity for food blogging. She is on course with her mission to educate readers, besides playing roles as a mom. You can also read how long mushrooms last for here.