Home News Originally from Alençon, he created a training organization dedicated to sports professions in Normandy

Originally from Alençon, he created a training organization dedicated to sports professions in Normandy

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“Pure Alençonnais” and very attached to his territory, the forty-year-old has set the company’s head office in Alençon and calls on local professionals (banker, notary, etc.). ©L’Orne Hebdo

Formasportis the name of the training organization dedicated to sports professions which was launched this year in Normandy. A project imagined by three brains, including that of Frederic Esnault.

Well-known face of sports in Alencon (Orne), in particular for fans of the orange ball, this 42-year-old man has held many positions at US Basket Damigny Alençon (USBDA), from sports educator to director of operations, his current position.

Two first apprenticeships

For the past ten years, he has been involved in training structures in Caen, giving courses on sports management. With his two partners, David Onillon and Justine Lenrouilly, he wanted to « fly with his own wings ».

“We have worked together for a long time in Caen. We wanted to take things in hand to set up a project that suits us,” explains Frédéric Esnault, president of the organization.

Formasport offers, from this start of the school year, apprenticeship training. Starting with a professional diploma entitled “Technico-commercial sports marketing” (Bac +2), affiliated with the CFA Sport Animation Tourisme Normandie, in Caen and Rouen. “It is centered around the marketing development of clubs. There is a real demand on their part, ”shares the Ornais. Between fifteen and twenty apprentices will be welcomed on each site.

A solidarity diploma

The organization is also opening a BPJEPS Physical Activities for All (APT) in partnership with the Caen Training structure, in Hérouville-Saint-Clair. A one-year course built around three axes: social, solidarity and humanitarian.

“The students will intervene in the schools of the priority neighborhoods of Hérouville and will set up actions intended to help children with disabilities. In June, they will take part in a humanitarian trip to Senegal to talk to the locals about sports practices and bring them sports and school equipment. »

Frédéric Esnault, co-founder of Formasport

The entrepreneur is also appealing to people who would like to get involved by providing financial or material support.

Videos: currently on Actu

Soon in Alençon?

Another project is on the mind of Frédéric Esnault, « Alençon pure strain ». Formasport, whose head office is in Alençon and which has surrounded itself with local economic players (banker, accountant, notary, etc.), should quickly set up training there to “prepare for training in sports professions”.

“It would be a question of preparing for the entrance tests to the training courses, of selecting the sectors, of refining the courses, of catching up with certain delays…”

Intended for young people up to 29 years of age, the course could be launched as early as first quarter 2023.

“As from Alençon, it’s close to my heart. There are few offers for sports professions in the sector. Many young people want to work there, but everything is in Caen, Rouen or Le Mans, ”shares the Ornais.

Frederic Esnault

And to conclude: “I want to give access to my job on my territory, to which I am very attached. »

Contact: Frédéric Esnault on 06 64 43 80 15.

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