Home News The 20 Funniest Diet Memes…Plus Cats!

The 20 Funniest Diet Memes…Plus Cats!

by admin

Ahhhh, internet, we do love you so. What would we do without your regular dose of picture lols? Work probably – and no one wants that. We sent bona-fide memehound Craig Morris off to hunt down 20 of the funniest diet memes and then when we realised that he hadn’t found any cat ones we sent him back out again, even though it was raining.

So roll up, switch off your brain and forget that the internet is for anything useful like research or communicating – for the next 20 pictures it’s all about the diet memes.


bear christmas fat diddly squats Dodson



id rather be fat intervention cat liar lunch matrix no points left

puma regret nothing remember diet sexy beast shark slap subway sugarcoat thin mints women juice


Did we miss your favourite, no Nice Guy Steve? Ain’t nobody got time for that? Will it blend? Let us know in the comments, or better still, just post it. 

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