Home Mental Fitness Headspace Debuts Workplace Mental Health App

Headspace Debuts Workplace Mental Health App

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Headspace is pushing further into healthcare and corporate wellness.

What’s happening: Combining mindfulness content with Ginger’s professional teletherapy, the new Headspace Health app will serve as the “front door” for mental health services for employees.

New features include evidence-based mental health assessments and check-ins that inform personalized meditation content recommendations. On the employer side, organizations receive aggregated insights to prove the program’s efficacy and monitor morale.

Why it matters: Hot on the heels of Calm’s push into clinical mental health programs, Headspace is upgrading its services to become a complete solution for a struggling American workforce.

  • In the US, more than 275M working days are lost annually due to stress.
  • 80% of employees believe it is the employer’s responsibility to help with mental health.
  • 40% of Americans are dealing with mental health or substance abuse issues, per the CDC.

All-in-one. While guided meditation struck a chord early in the pandemic, a crowded market and low retention sent Headspace down a different path, acquiring workplace-focused teletherapy giant Ginger for $3B.

With the infrastructure (and user-friendly app) in place, Headspace Health seeks to be the authority on organizational, evidence-based mental health.

Looking ahead: Burnout is still rampant. As workplace wellness modernizes beyond step challenges and personal trainers expand into mental fitness, employers will be looking for one thing in a mental health program: proven results.

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