Home News The Truth About Carbs

The Truth About Carbs

by admin

What Can we Do?

Put simply, we need to outsmart the manufacturers.  

1) Don’t go shopping when hungry: also, be prepared to walk past those tempting foods and be wary of the influence of advertising on both yourself and the rest of your family.

2) Ditch the sugar from your diet: it may be a challenge at the beginning but, if you stick it out, your body will adapt and soon you will actually prefer that serving of Greek yoghurt with blueberries over a slice of cake.

3) Learn how to read a food label (see more here): the simplest technique is to find the sugars category under the ‘per serving’ column on the label, and then to divide that number by four to give the number of teaspoons of sugar per serving (also, you might be eating three or four times that servings so that’s 3-4 times the sugar you’ve recorded).

4) Be particularly wary of products masquerading as ‘health foods,’ like sugar-soaked cereals, granola bars or smoothies: if you want a snack that’s handy and low in sugar, choose our protein bars here.

5) Don’t let yourself get too hungry: do this by eating small, regular portions of high-quality protein, along with high fibre vegetables and a small amount of fat (sometimes also add a small quantity of wholegrain carbs, but not necessary always).

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