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Mental Health As Told Through Therapists’ Eyes

by admin
A big thing that I’ve been working on, and would encourage people to focus on in 2023, is this idea of building and returning to community. We just came through such a traumatic event in the global sense and so there’s a lot of folks who had trauma that was more activated from this level of insecurity. So I’ve been really working on helping people separate themselves from a trauma response. Really consistent work that I’ve been doing is helping people feel secure in their smaller bubbles. Building on that community feeling because when it feels like it’s spinning out of control, where do you start? Let’s have more routines, more order, more structure, and feel really confident that you know how to go back to a level of structure together as a family or as a unit. Let’s make sure everything’s good here, because we can’t control what’s going on out there. 

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